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Stowing Away I stood between two facing mirrors & almost caught a glimpse of infinity, but my bloody head kept getting in the way


Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk.<br />
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…<br />
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. 
Therefore rest in peace. 
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours…<br />
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; 
your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, 
after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."<br />
Ataturk, 1934

TURKEY | Tuesday, 24 April 2007 | Views [112249] | Comments [69] | View Larger Image

Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk.
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours…
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
Ataturk, 1934

Tags: gallipoli, anzac, anzac cove, turkey, ataturk, anzac memorial



Can you imagine the humanism of these words? Can you show any leader who can say such words now? And can you imagine the world if we, all human beings, have such leader! ATATURK, every people of the world must learn about him! And ever people must pray to God for such a leader. ATATURK FOREVER!

  mustafa cinaroglu Mar 19, 2008 7:58 AM


One can only e touched my these words, the world would be different, if there were more leaders like that.

  Kim Eggert Feb 6, 2009 9:36 PM


If we had been smart eneough to listen to people like this at the end of both wars...we would have ended all war then.

  batley craig Mar 21, 2009 8:56 AM


Mustafa Kamal Attaturk was a leader for the ages. I wish more people in the west knew of his legacy.

  Philip McConnell Oct 22, 2009 2:15 PM


He is also known offering peace to the world by saying "peace at home, peace in the world". He was not only a great soldier, also a great statesman and a leader. I was wondering what Ataturk and Patton would say to each other? Any ideas?

  Musti Akyol Jul 12, 2010 2:56 PM


If everyone was aware of his mighty words the world would be a different place one man can change the nation! Mustafa kemal ataturk

  Ertok Aug 6, 2010 11:34 AM


I am from Gallipoli and I can guess what these words can mean, Ataturk was a great leader, great humanist and Anzacs are our siblings, knowing the value of Ataturk and commemorating their ancestries

  aysegul Nov 22, 2010 2:22 AM


My great grandfather fought in WW1, and recieved the Military Medal, something of pride for the family. But with that pride comes a sense of, respect. He lived during the war, and killed (bayonetted no less) men who also had families and loved ones, fighting for their country for whatever reasons. It's only helped to form my sense of horror in general at war. Such tragedy, even for the 'enemy', to lose such lifes.

These words of Ataturk are perhaps the most poetic, perfect, words I have ever read. They speak volumes of the man, and I tear up every time I hear them. I know very little of Ataturk beyond these words, but I think he must have been a great person. Such a shame that our two countries met in war (I'm Australian) rather then friendship.

  Az Feb 23, 2011 10:56 PM


This is so beautiful.

  ray Mar 11, 2011 10:52 AM


incredibly beautiful

  Guest Mar 19, 2011 4:50 AM


My Grandfather survived the Galippoli and went on to fight others later. He was telling me stories about it when I was a little child. Yes Ataturk's words were very comforting for the Anzac mothers. Still put tears into eyes of many people as they read it including mine. I think people should read more about him and find out his other statements that he made. His leadership was great not only as a soldier but also as a leader of the nation later he became. Today Middle Eastern people still looking for their Ataturk but no vail. There was only one. Turks are lucky nation. I hope in the future leaders learn from him. He had almost nothing when he died. He worked for his people and his nation. Today no other leader can accomplish what he did in short time. God bless his sole.

  Musti May 4, 2011 12:10 PM


I have visited Turkey three times now, and I absolutely love the country and the people. Sadly I have not made it to Gallipoli. I too cannot read or talk about those words with a dry eye.
Ataturk is beloved by the Turks today, as befits a great man. And to mention to a Turk that you are Australian wins you an even warmer welcome than the usually very warm welcome.
I've met waiters in resorts who have tears in their eyes when I say I am from Australia.
I really do love Turkey and recommend it as a tourist destination for all Aussies and Kiwis.
I hope to get to Gallipoli at least once in this lifetime.

  Russell Cunning Aug 3, 2011 11:51 AM


i've long thought Kemal Atatürk's words inscribed here one of the most gracious things i've ever come across

  kevin sharpe Sep 21, 2011 6:44 AM


As a turk, when I fist read these words I got tears in my eyes. I can not even imagine how a mother or father would have felt when they read these words after they had lost their beloved son in foreign country thousand miles away from home. Yes, Atatruk was a great man and did great things not only for turks both also others. I would strongly advise you to read more about him. I can tell many things about him. But I will only tell one more episode before I finish: When turkish army re-entered Izmir(turkish city at Agean coast) after pushing back greeks who invated west Turkey after the WW1 some turkish representative in Izmir put a greek flag on the stairs of government head office so that when Ataturk came he could step on it. When he arrived he immediately ordered those people to take the greek flag gently from the ground an pack it ordentlig. He said this flag reperesented greek people and it was unacceptable to step on it. He also added that we had no problem with people in Greece eventhough we were in war with them. Amazing is it not?

  Murat Gencher Oct 18, 2011 9:11 PM


I am an Australian military officer with 48 years in an Air Force uniform. I cannot think of finer and more kinder words that could be said by a former foe. Sir, I dips me lid! (This may be lost to some, but in good old Australian; Sir I lift my hat and salute you)

  Len Bowen Dec 4, 2011 4:52 PM



  sert Dec 14, 2011 9:00 PM



  ALAN SANDERSON Feb 17, 2012 10:13 AM


This should be compulsory reading in every primary and secondary school. Why did I not know about this until recently? These words are the most precious gift given to us by Turkey and I am amazed that it is not a highlight in learning. What an amazing and incredibly gracious man Ataturk was. Thank you Turkey for allowing us to "own" Anzac Cove and taking care of our fallen.

  Sally Apr 25, 2012 12:45 PM


We were watching the ANZAC Day broadcast from Galipolli and I wanted to read Ataturk's words to my mum as she had never heard them. Just like the first time I read them, I felt emotional and it was hard to get them out without my voice breaking. Very beautiful words from a humane soul.

  Lyn Apr 25, 2012 12:52 PM


These words were inscribed in giant Turkish letters in the cliff side many years ago. Wonder if they are still there. They could be read from miles away and left me stuck with awe.

  Steve Apr 25, 2012 2:18 PM


I first heard these words read over a louder speaker on a British ship sailing past the moument. I was struck by the tenderness and empathy of the founder of modern day Turkey.

  Diana Dawson May 10, 2012 6:26 AM


An excellent selection of words. They speak volumes of the man. I cannot wait to visit Turkey and learn more of this wonderful man and his Country.

  Ray Alcorn Jun 20, 2012 3:48 AM


Watched the documentary narrated by Jeremy Irons named Gallipili last night and was moved by it. So terrible but with a memorial by Ataturk that turns it all around. Why more wars? Seems we can't learn lessons.

  Brenda Baker Jun 21, 2012 11:11 PM


These words and sentiments should be essential reading for politicians of every race, creed and colour. That someone whose country had fought a bloody and savage war should be so noble and forgiving is remarkable. Are we able to apply the word noble to all our politicians today?...........read it and weep.

  Pete Sep 13, 2012 10:46 PM


i'm a turkish guy who worked in australia for temporary time.
And in that time period I saw that Aussie people are so friendly and, helpful.
They Love living not fighting.
I read this beautiful words to every single aussie person that i met.
İ believe great leaders like Ataturk can create peace and end war.
We still need that kind of leader , we miss him so much.

  Mahmut guven Nov 16, 2012 6:04 AM


These words should never have had to be spoken, the pride of old men playing with young men's lives. Incredible suffering on both sides. Incredible bravery on both sides. Legends, songs and poems were born. Above all this, a leader from an invaded country spreads a message of forgiveness and welcome to former enemies and the world.
Next time a world leader tells us that we need a war to solve issues; they should stand before this monument and read a great man's words to his country, and then explain how war will solve the issue.
Let's not have the need to find great men with great words to sooth sad times. Let's learn from this tragic period and realise we have more in common than difference.
Always err on the side of forgiveness to avoid sorrow.
I hope Turkey and Australia stand as friends forever.

  Vincent Sackett Jan 29, 2013 7:14 PM


I wanted to add something to this very interesting thread of comments :

Turkey is the only country in the world to commemorate an enemy for ivading it's homeland by annualy honoring the soldiers who left their lives on our soil.
Our honoring of our enemy started by Ataturk's great speech and today almost 100 years later we are still praying and bowing our heads to the foreign invaders.
There was a time when enemies had respect for each other...may allah rest their souls.

  Oguz Ince Mar 5, 2013 6:14 AM


its upsetting for the the people who lost there lives but it was all for a good cause FOR AUSTRAILA lest we forget

  noneofyourbeeswax Apr 23, 2013 1:09 PM


i wish those people didn't lose there lives so we could congratulate them but they lost there lives for us aussies so thinck about that australians

  Rachel Apr 23, 2013 1:22 PM


These words are also on a memorial Cairn here in Auckland, not far from Auckland War Memorial Museum, built of stone from Anzac Cove.

Very special words to have - they resonate throughout the years.


Thinking of all the military who have not come home and also those who did...people changed forever.

Lest we forget.

  Sarndra Apr 25, 2013 8:22 AM


And lets not forget that the Australian Light Horse, who have since been called the greatest cavalry in history, fought and took the surrender of the Ottoman empire, later to be re enacted for Lawrence of Arabia.

The English said the Johnny Turks were unskilled cowards who would run at the Gallipoli landings.

Anything but.

  George Apr 25, 2013 11:46 AM


O nation
I am Kemal Mustafa
If my thoughts and beliefs are not of this day and age
If my wisdom isn't still the most authentic mentor
Then let my tongue cleave to the roof of my palate
I apoligize

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If freedom isn’t still the supreme value
If you’d rather have slaves stay chained

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If you see no sense in living a civilized life
If you want to be sent back in time to the middle ages and wish to put a crown on the head of a man who spits into the face of art

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If the pain of war violence was not enough
If peace at home, peace in the world has no meaning
If to be awarded requires an arms race

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If you miss the fez and the veil and prefer to light the night
If you’re still hoping to find healing from a dervish, a sheik or an amulet

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If you say women should not be equal to men and should be covered in black sheets to flee from the wrath of bigots

If you say you don’t want to see our women and daughters to get an education just because you believe this is their fate

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

If freedom and democracy is too much for you to handle
If you have a longing for the sultan of the Sultanate and are still not able to determine the significance of being a nation
Be servants, stay on the path of religion and wait for şeyhülislam to lay down the law for you

Forget everything I said
Destroy and shatter the statues you have built of me

-Musafa Kemal Atatürk

Translation By Alev Nathalie Doruk

  Alev Nathalie Doruk Jun 13, 2013 7:20 AM


I concur with everything said about this fine piece of writing.

  peter Jul 9, 2013 7:06 AM


The most heart-rending words I have read in a very very long time. I am an Australian who has had the good fortune to never personally face war, and I am simply stunned at the compassion, humility, love, care and wisdom of these few sentences. History has given us only few people with this vision ....

Lest we ALL forget....Aussies, Turks, everyone.

  Brendan O'Neill Aug 1, 2013 8:16 PM


Can someone please send me the original text of the Galipoli memorial in Turkish? I would really appreciate it.

  Neri Aug 14, 2013 2:07 AM


This is from google translate, so may not be 100% perfect

Kanlarını döken ve hayatlarını kaybeden bu kahramanlar ...
Şimdi dost bir ülkenin toprak yatarken. Bu nedenle huzur içinde. Onlar bizim bu ülkede burada yan yana yalan bize Johnnies ve Mehmetler arasında hiçbir fark yoktur ...
Sen, uzak diyarlardan evlatlarını harbe gönderen analar, gözyaşlarını silerek, senin oğulları artık bağrında yatan ve barış içinde olan, bu topraklarda canlarını verdikten sonra onlar da bizim evlatlarımız olmuşlardır.

  stowaway Aug 14, 2013 10:44 AM


I am studying to be a History Teacher. Have been reading a lot of the battle and came across this monument... I am struck about the beauty, the humanity and compassion this has. Says a lot about the Turks.. Here is another tribute that was shown.... "Tell me my friend said Mehmet
To the Anzac
Where are you from
You look miss your home
From Other side of the world said Anzac
It says on my tombstone
The soil cover me is not from my home
Don’t worry said Mehmet
You are here in my home
With me forever
You are a Mehmet forever
You are my brother

Bulent Ecevit
Former Prime Minister of Turkish Republic

  Louis Shann Aug 23, 2013 8:35 AM


Viva Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. In his house un Ankara, the Pembe Kosk, he sat at the head of his dining room table every night looking at a portrait of a young Ottoman woman holding a telegram and collapsed in grief on her bed. This great leader was nightly reminded of the cost of war and independence. A great humanitarian. A great man. Viva Ataturk! Viva his immortal Turkish Republic! Viva the kindness of the Turks.

  Peter Goers Sep 6, 2013 9:30 PM


Whenever I'm feeling stressed over little everyday nothings, I read this beautiful epitaph and am immediately humbled by the kindness and humanism in these words. I never fail to shed a tear at the senseless loss of life but am grateful that our soldiers are being looked after and remembered in a a faraway land. LEST WE FORGET.

  Ellen Cateris Sep 20, 2013 12:06 PM


I went on a coach tour of Turkey and we finished at Gallipoli. We wandered about looking at the graves of the soldiers, most of whom were so young and everyone was in tears and hugging each other. We were all so moved by the words of Ataturk. I have never forgotten that visit and I don't think another person on that coach will have forgotten it either.

  Carol Wheeler Oct 2, 2013 6:26 AM


I had the good fortune to visit Gallipoli a few years ago and read those great words, words that would make a statue weep.

I am going back to Turkey in May 2014 and will be traveling to Ankara especially to pay tribute to Attaturk. A great and compassionate man, the likes of, we may never see again.

  Jeff Sim Jan 26, 2014 3:10 PM


If you may have chance to visit Turkey and want to search Ataturk, you can visit his mousoleum (Anitkabir) in Ankara. There is a huge museum in his mousoleum, and lot of items, photos etc. from Canakkale (Gallipoli) and Turkish Independe War.

  G.Cullins Mar 26, 2014 8:10 AM


I feel very proud to be a Turk having just read these words

  Turkes cahit Jun 30, 2014 7:20 AM


I am deeply moved by his words. What generosity - what intelligence - what compassion - what love. Stunning.

  gaye shortland Jul 15, 2014 8:42 PM


My Great Uncle Stanley was at Gallipoli, as a result from time to time I give talks about Gallipoli. These words are among some of the most noble and warm words that exist through out History. They are certainly the most noble words to have ever been made by a victorious leader of the foe.

  Bill Bristow Aug 17, 2014 11:56 PM


As a Kiwi who has lived in Australia for many years the most profound moment in my life was standing on the beach at Gallipoli where those young men fought and died. I then went and read the words inscribed by Atturk and wept for the waste of human life I have the photo of this plaque as my screen saver so I. can read it every day least we forget

  Peter Johnson Sep 29, 2014 1:57 PM


beautiful, every once in a while I search this to read it so I never forget these words

  Ataturk Oct 4, 2014 5:48 PM


What an astonishing humane benevolent statement. And how sad that I've had to wait 69 years to read it. Thank you for bringing it to my notice. I am hugely moved.

  Alan Friswell Nov 9, 2014 9:28 PM


Today is the 76th anniversary of this eternal great man's death. He lives in the heart of Turks and will be remembered forever.

  Ergun Vudali Nov 11, 2014 5:00 AM


One does not need to be Turkish, but only to have an open mind and a sincere heart, to fully appreciate the giant of a leader that Mustafa Kemal was, one that comes along very seldom in world history: a soldier who deplored war and was at heart a peacemaker, a politician who truly sought the welfare of his people and friendship with all peoples, a religious man who was not a fanatic and who understood the value and the need for separation between religion and the state. The Muslim world would be very different today if leaders like him had taken hold in the region; what Nasser, Saddam Hussein and Hafez al-Assad merely pretended to be, Atatürk truly was, a blessing to his people and a beacon to all humanity.

  Armando Cardona Nov 14, 2014 11:33 AM


There are few things that make me cry but this war definitely has the lead. It is said that there was so many shots fired that the bullets collided in mid air. Hours later in ceasefire, soldiers left their trenches and exchanged cigarettes and lighters.

A war story, told by French war veteran general Bridges: After hours of fighting, ceasefire was called. We were wandering around the dead, both sides had suffered heavy casulties. I will never forget what I saw just then, while a French soldier, heavily wounded was lying on the ground, a Turkish soldiers was ripping his clothes trying to wipe and bandage the French soldier's wounds. I asked him why he was helping a soldier that he wanted to kill. The tired Turkish soldier replied saying that when he fell, the French soldier took out a picture of an old woman and said some things that I didn't understand but she must've been his mother. I have no one in this World, I just want him to live and go back to his mother.

I started weeping like a child in the face of this noble and magnanimous sentiment. At this point my aide officer opened the Turkish soldiers collar. He had a bayonet wound on his chest that was even heavier than our soldier's and he had plugged it with a pinch of grass. Soon after, they both died.

  Deniz Demir Dec 31, 2014 11:00 AM


As a Turk, i'm proud of be son of this great leader. My Aussie and kiwi friends, your fathers are resting peace here. We are taking care them so much. We were upbear 100th year of Canakkale battle yesterday. (18th March 2015). We didnt forget suffers, proud, mothers' tear and we will never do. you always welcome to our homelands.

  Can Kahraman Mar 19, 2015 10:50 PM


Yes they are beautiful words but he wasn't a man without faults.

  Johnny Mar 20, 2015 11:45 AM


Johnny Mar you are a churlish fool. Who said Attaturk was without faults ? What man isn't ? As well as writing what are possibly the most beautiful, emotionally wrenching words ever written, he fathered modern Turkey and achieved a great deal in his short life. And you ?

  Anton Chigurh Mar 22, 2015 12:25 AM


Johnny, have you ever heard of a saying nobody is perfect? Well buddy you did now

  mehmet Mar 29, 2015 4:14 PM


In my pessimistic and bohemian times in which I pretend to be adaptive on legitimisations of wars and savage consumption by all means, these words with tremendous meanings lightnen my burden.Atatürk;a great secularist ,revolutionist and humanitarian, demonstrated that the pain has always been basically the same despite different nationalities.

  Ozan Aydın Apr 2, 2015 6:42 AM


This inscription on the Gallipoli memorial offers solace to surviving families of those men who remain there. They are not lonely: their friends and brothers are with them; they are not forgotten: their enemy has ensured this; they remain loved: not only by those at home but by all those world travellers who make the pilgrimage to their resting place.

  Margaret Niehus Apr 21, 2015 10:49 AM


On a calm silent overcast day at Anzac Cove, almost no others there, with the soft snowflakes increasing as we climbed, settling on the grass and foliage at Lone Pine, Anzac and Turkish trenches so close - it was a humbling and very emotional experience to reflect upon the words, and the life, of Attaturk.
His thoughts so wonderfully consistent with the attitudes of the Turkish people today. To allow a place so equally sacred to the them as a symbol of Nationhood, and a so costly victory in defence of their homeland, to be claimed by us as a shrine to ours, is unbelievably magnanimous.
Anzac Cove, and these words, are a monument to humanity - and I am proud and privileged to have shared the silence and the thoughts in that place.

  Trevor Harden Apr 23, 2015 9:03 AM


Nice sentiment. A pity it did not extend to all the inhabitants of Asia Minor.

  Jonathan Grove Apr 25, 2015 9:05 PM


There will always be a pity about something else, somewhere else when noble sentiments are seen not to apply universally, Jonathon - there is a choice here between the cup half empty and the cup half full. Celebrate the huge positive here and fight the negative somewhere else. Time and place!

  Trevor Harden Apr 25, 2015 10:00 PM


I heard these beautiful words for the first time today and found it hard not to cry

  Tim Bucknall Apr 26, 2015 3:17 AM


Ataturk was a visionary and magnanimous man. His words are inspiring. Shame the present Turkish government want to drag Turkey back into the Middle Ages.

  Jak Haughton Apr 26, 2015 3:31 AM



"Unless a nation's life faces peril, war is murder."

Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

  peace Apr 26, 2015 7:44 AM


I heard these words for the first time today read out by a young Turkish girl at the memorial service at the cenotaph in London and was stunned by the simplicity, clarity and humanity they contained.

  Mac Scott Apr 26, 2015 9:31 AM


These poignant words written 16 years after the end of World War One - time is a great healer and gives time for reflection. yet as humans we still are slow learners and fail to learn from our past.

  Geoff May 29, 2015 2:02 AM


Gallipoli turkish war music for loss;
Original : http://youtu.be/SsZT7rF-s28
Altertive free version : http://youtu.be/YZInGeH5Lp4
Bonus solo mall of shop version : http://youtu.be/-c6lnbwJ2Ps

  Erhan Polat Jun 20, 2015 11:54 AM


Ah, the poor in spirit always feel compelled to exhibit their black hearts for all to see. They cannot observe a newborn's face without speculating about the evil deeds such a babe might someday perpetrate. Mustafa Kemal, thank you.

  Peter Aug 24, 2015 1:11 PM


Time to keep calm and negotiate a peaceful outcome at a meeting during the G20 meeting in Hamburg in July where Turnbull and Erdogan will be attending.
Meanwhile reconsider whether it is necessary to fly with Turkish Airlines, the pride of the new Empire.

  Thies Jun 18, 2017 1:56 AM


I am a kiwi. My grandfather was in the Somme, my father was in Egypt. I cannot read these wonderful words without a tear forming. The sheer tenderness, forgiveness and compassion of this hardened soldier-come Statesman leaves you speechless.
God bless you Mustafa Attaturk

  Gordon Loughnan Jul 30, 2018 1:13 AM